Bibi Duaij AlJaber Al Sabah

Sheikha Bibi Duaij AlJaber Al Sabah

Bibi Duaij AlJaber Al Sabah, Chairperson of the AlSadu Society – Weaving Cooperative, has dedicated over a decade to preserving Kuwait's textile heritage. Transitioning from teaching accounting to philanthropy, she leads initiatives to propel traditional weaving into the contemporary context. Focused on education and innovation, Bibi revamped the AlSadu skill transfer program, introduced in-house educational programs. Additionally, the society continues its collaboration with the Ministry of Education to develop and implement a national curriculum in the Art of Weaving. She established the SADI Studio art residency under the Sadu Art & Design Initiative (SADI) with creates helps shift the craft into an artistic form of expression. Under her leadership, the NGO achieved accreditation by UNESCO and WIPO, the society remains dedicated to preserving cultural heritage and actively participating in discussions on intellectual properties.
