Buch of mottos


Past Exhibition

Bunch of Mottos is an interactive light installation that takes advantage of the flexibility of M-otto, a modular plastic system that can be utilized to create complex forms without using any connecting device. A series of lights with different shapes will hang from the ceiling and will respond to the presence of the audience in two different ways.

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The first interaction will be through technology: the bunch will respond to the presence of the visitors through sensors that will alter the behavior of the lights. The second interaction will be through collaboration. A part of the installation will be fully customizable: during a series of small workshops the audience will be invited to design new elements that will be included in the installation.

The installation will mutate during the course of the Biennale and the final piece in the end will look very different from its original composition.
A limited edition of ready made lighting fixtures, created with the same modular system and suitable for domestic use, will be presented during the exhibition.